My music takes a critical view of social, political and cultural issues. Often referencing African American history and culture.

I explore the varying relationships between popular culture and everyday life. Having engaged subjects as diverse as the civil rights movement, inner city struggles and progressive ideals, my work reproduces unique aural concepts, arranging them into new expressive recordings.

While I use a variety of instruments, tools and processes in each project my methodology is consistent. Although there may not always be similarities between the different projects and recordings they are linked by recurring themes and through the subject matter.

The subject matter of each body of work determines my intention. To communicate through the power of recordings and composition. Each project often consists of alternative pop sonic form, often in a range of different rhythmic and melodic arrangements , grouped around specific themes and meanings.

I find Art as truth. The ability to accept nothing at face value but explore the possibilities and remain open. To make sense out of the chaos, conflict, and beauty of the universe. Remaining a part of the continuum and family of creatives worldwide.

After every project, creative endeavor and production; new areas of interest arise and lead to the next body of work. I hope through all of my work to push culture forward and contribute to the pantheon of the greats who have come before me.